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Between Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Baudelaire there is only one step. Romanticism under a starry sky, a supernova where love floods and radiates all things. With a touch of Rimbaud, Lovecraft, Verlaine, Hawthorne and Yeats, the author wants to create a poetic tsunami, a maelstrom of emotions in the landscape of the twenty-first century. So that the poets of the past can be brought back to life through an innovative prism filled with grace: life in the superlative form. This poetry collection reflects the journey of life, weaving emotions from joy and love to fear and despair. It captures a struggle between Shadow and Light, where moments of darkness give way to a starry vision of hope and beauty. A lyrical ode to life, love, and the enduring search for meaning, this powerful work invites you to be captivated.


FERRIEUX, Thierry. Darkness and Light, A Flash of Lightning in the Night. Montreal: Pierre Turcotte Editor, 2025, 131 p.

Ferrieux - Darkness and Light

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